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The President's Council Committee serves the RPOS in coordinating the needs of the various Clubs that are chartered to operate as Republican Clubs in Sarasota County.  By fostering communication and providing support, the RPOS desires to promote Clubs and their activities to involve more members and build an ever more stronger Republican base in Sarasota County!

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  • Establish a better communication system through quarterly meetings between club presidents and RPOS officers.

  • Work with club presidents to encourage their members to join the REC and establish a mentoring program for them.

  • Work with the VAT and members to establish a network for campaigning for presidential and local candidates.

  • Assist in establishing new clubs and if they become chartered by the RPOS and RPOF, invite them to be members of the President’s Council.

  • Review and update information and communications to new members and prospective members of the REC.


President's Council Chair: 

Mark Frandsen

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