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The Membership Committee is tasked with recruiting new Volunteers and Leaders for the RPOSC. Building an active and engaged membership of the RPOSC is very important to help combat the organized efforts of the Democrat opposition.

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The RPOSC Membership Committee is working to expand membership while making the assimilation of members easier and more effective. It is also working to ensure that the administration of membership is efficient at meetings so more time is spent on strategy rather than administration. If you have the time and talent to volunteer on the Membership Committee, please let us know! 


  • Creating a vision for membership.

  • Increase communication with all of the membership.

  • Membership development, to include placing & directing members to committees of interest.

  • Producing reports to RPOF/SOE/RPOS in a timely manner and in the correct format.

  • Developing Political Support.

  • Clean up membership roster, address, phone numbers, etc.

  • Streamline vetting process to be quick and easy.

  • Managing transition and sustaining momentum.


Membership Committee Chair: 

Joe Garren & Donna Carter

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Sarasota Republican Headquarters

5971 Cattlemen Lane | Sarasota, FL 34232

941.SRQ.4GOP | 941.777.4467

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Paid for by the Sarasota County Republican Executive Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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