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Dear Republican Supporter,

Your generous donations are critical to the Republican Party of Sarasota — recognized as one of the most active and effective local party organizations in the country. This will enable us to aid in the local, state and presidential campaigns, and to combat the Democrats and the Democrat-biased media. The RPOSC is nothing without you, and the leadership is profoundly grateful to the financial generosity you provide to our efforts.


Republicans remain very strong in Sarasota County, holding every county and legislative office except two. Adequate funding for the Republican Party and candidates is job critical because, while the Democrats can rely on local media to aid in their message and attack Republicans, our side needs to spend money to bypass the media filter and go straight to the people of Sarasota County. Without adequate candidate financing, Republicans would not be able to maintain this dominant position. Democrats running Sarasota County would be an unmitigated disaster, as we have seen in other Democrat-run communities.


We thank you in advance for your continued support of the RPOSC. We look forward to Victory in 2024.


Respectfully Yours,


- Jack Brill


Jack Brill


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